


Unlock Your Potential With MU’s Accelerated MBA Degree

十大网赌正规网址工商管理硕士课程在短短12个月内提升您的职业发展轨迹, 旨在为您提供当今动态商业环境所需的知识和技能. 无论你是刚毕业的大学生,还是想要在事业上有所成就的专业人士, our MBA will help you achieve your professional goals and drive organizational success.

With a focus on developing strategic decision-making skills and leadership capabilities, our accelerated MBA prepares you to excel in a wide range of careers. MU’s accelerated MBA degree offers three specialized tracks—Management, Accounting and Pharmacy—each tailored to enhance your expertise and career prospects. 有灵活的管理和药学在线选择和会计混合方法, 我们的工商管理硕士课程旨在无缝适应您繁忙的日程安排, 使你能够平衡工作, 生活与学习.


  • Credits: 30
  • 完成时间: 1 year
  • Tuition: Learn More
  • 学习环境: Management and 药房跟踪s: 100% online; Accounting track: Online/On-campus hybrid
  • 认证: 高等教育委员会

*Management and Accounting MBA tracks require 30 credits. 药学课程要求31个学分.






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Fall Session

August 2025


Management and Pharmacy tracks: 100% online; Accounting track: Online/On-campus hybrid



*Management and Accounting MBA tracks require 30 credits. 药学课程要求31个学分. MBA会计课程是一种混合型课程,需要在校园内完成13个学分.


十大网赌正规网址提供了一个独特的优势,我们的定制工商管理硕士. Choose from three specialized MBA tracks—Management, 会计或药学——调整你的MBA加速学位,使之符合你的职业抱负. 在MU的吉尔伯特商学院, you’ll cultivate a portfolio of marketable skills that enhance your resume, making you a competitive candidate in the global job market.


Our accelerated MBA degree is designed with flexibility in mind, offering three tailored MBA tracks that cater to your specific career goals. Whether you’re interested in exploring the intricacies of accounting, joining the pharmaceutical sector or seeking a broad understanding of management principles, 在线或以混合形式获得MBA学位提供了与任何领域的职业人士相关的适应性强的课程.


我们的工商管理硕士教师都是经验丰富的专业人士,在会计方面有广泛的专业知识, business, 创业, 财务与领导力. They bring real-world insights and academic excellence to the classroom, creating a dynamic learning environment that encourages growth and innovation. 他们对您成功的奉献确保您在整个MBA学位课程中获得最高质量的教育.

认识一下教职员工 他是十大网赌正规网址MBA课程的教授. 


For working professionals and recent college graduates, 十大网赌正规网址的MBA课程为期12个月, 让你开始意识到你的学位的好处,并以最小的干扰你的职业生涯轨迹. For students who plan for an MBA while still undergrads at MU, 你也可以加入管理或会计MBA课程,在四年内同时获得学士和硕士学位. 药学MBA课程也是双学位课程,因此十大网赌正规网址的药学学生可以完成药学课程.D. 同时获得MBA学位.


十大网赌正规网址的工商管理硕士学位在任何职业中都是非常宝贵的资产, offering versatile skills that enhance your marketability across a wide range of industries. 我们在会计和药学方面的专业MBA课程将进一步增加您对这些领域雇主的吸引力. Whether earning your MBA degree online or in a hybrid format from MU, 您将获得广受欢迎的专业知识,为您在各种各样、回报丰厚的职业生涯中取得成功做好准备.


The future is promising for Master of Business Administration graduates. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), 管理职业, 几乎涵盖了所有行业, are expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations over the next decade, with about 1.预计每年将有100万个新岗位. Manchester’s accelerated MBA degree equips you to excel in these diverse career paths.

我们的MBA校友, equipped with a strong foundation in strategic thinking and leadership, 茁壮成长为管理顾问, 金融分析师, 市场营销专业, 运营经理, human resources and business development managers, 企业家领导创新企业. Our MBA also prepares you for careers in healthcare, 非营利部门, 供应链管理, banking, 农业和许多其他领域.


Earning an MBA can significantly boost your earning potential. 根据, MBA毕业生的平均起薪比学士学位毕业生高出22-40%. Additionally, 透明职业(Transparent Career)的一项研究发现,mba毕业生在获得学位后工资增长了46%. While salaries for MBA graduates vary based on job role, industry, 经验与位置, 美国劳工统计局报告的平均年薪为116美元,到2023年5月,管理类职业的年薪将达到880美元,是所有职业年薪中位数的两倍多.

Image of a student shaking hands accepting a job offer
22-40 %

What Will You Study to Earn Your Master in Business Administration?

曼彻斯特的MBA课程建立在基本商业原则和相关道德问题的坚实核心之上,使您能够用批判性思维和情商驾驭复杂的情况. 这个坚实的基础通过为您提供知识,为您处理职业生涯中的日常挑战做好准备, skills and strong ethical framework to make sound leadership decisions.

Core Courses Required for All Tracks (15 credit hours)

MBA 523 数据分析(3学分)
MBA 555  原则性领导(3学分)
MBA 540 谈判和解决冲突(3学分)
MBA 530 高管销售和市场营销(3学分)
MBA 554 战略管理(3学分)


Built out from our core Master of Business Administration curriculum, 十大网赌正规网址 offers three specialized MBA tracks, 允许您根据自己的职业目标和兴趣定制学习经历.


Forge your path as a dynamic leader with our MBA track in Management, which focuses on honing your leadership and organizational management skills. 这个MBA课程对所有专业的学士学位开放,为各行各业有抱负的管理者提供了一个全面的基础.


Dive deeper into the field of accounting with our specialized Accounting MBA track. 这个工商管理硕士课程提供了一个全面的课程,以满足现代会计专业的需求, 为你在会计领域的高级职位做准备, 金融及相关领域.


Designed specifically for aspiring pharmaceutical leaders, 我们的药学MBA课程为您提供在快速发展的医疗保健领域脱颖而出所需的专业知识和专业知识. 十大网赌正规网址的学生 药学博士(药学.D.) Program MBA可以作为一个双学位增加,使得在四年内获得两个学位成为可能.



Click on a track below to expand and view courses.


尚未获得学士学位的学生应尽早计划攻读MBA,并从十大网赌正规网址毕业时获得两个学位. 他们可以考虑两种选择:

3+1 Option

3+1选项, MBA所需的一些课程可以在本科阶段学习时修读, 给学生一个良好的开端,因为他们进入第四年完全过渡到硕士水平的课程. For motivated students who carefully plan their academic schedule, it’s possible to graduate in four years with both bachelor’s and MBA degrees.

4+1 Option

学生也可以选择循序渐进的学习方式,在头四年专注于本科水平的学习, then transition into the MBA Program in their fifth year.

Students should consult with their academic advisor as to which option is best for them.


在十大网赌正规网址攻读工商管理硕士学位,你会发现你的职业生涯是多么有趣和有益. Take the first step toward new career opportunities and a brighter future today.

MU MBA学位的入学要求

工商管理硕士项目申请人(非mu学生)应具有国家认可机构的学士学位. 不需要GRE或GMAT.

对3+1加速MBA学位感兴趣的MU本科生应在大三开始前申请MBA课程. 您可以稍后申请4+1选项. Are you an 国际学生? 了解更多关于录取过程的信息. 研究生报名截止日期为11月1日.

Apply to the MBA Program as a Current MU Sophomore or Higher

Current students enrolled at MU require the following to pursue this opportunity:


为了按时完成学业,你可能需要熬过暑期班,或者参加一个额外的学期. 这可能会有帮助 查看示例时间表 看看这份工作是否适合你. 按照建议的时间表, students ensure that there will be no additional costs required to pay for their education.

Degree Programs Related to Master of Business Administration

十大网赌正规网址’s Non-Discrimination Admission Policy

十大网赌正规网址 is committed to non-discrimination in campus life. The University does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, ancestry, race, color, age, sex, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 家族的地位, religion, disability or veteran status in admissions or any area of campus life, 包括它的教育项目, 奖学金及贷款奖励, 居住生活项目, 运动项目, 课外项目, 晋升和终身职位的政策和实践, 校友事务.

十大网赌正规网址致力于执行1973年《十大网赌正规网址》第504条和《十大赌博正规信誉网址》的规定, which provide for accessibility of University programs to the physically disabled.

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